European Desktop Grid Initiative

The aim of the FP7 EDGI project is to develop middleware that consolidates the results achieved in the EDGeS project concerning the extension of Service Grids with Desktop Grids (DGs) in order to support European Grid Initiative (EGI) and National Grid Initiative user communities that are heavy users of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs) and require an extremely large number of CPUs and cores. EDGI will go beyond existing DCIs that are typically cluster Grids and supercomputer Grids, and will extend them with public and institutional Desktop Grids and Clouds. EDGI will integrate software components of ARC, gLite, Unicore, BOINC, XWHEP, 3G Bridge, and Cloud middleware such as OpenNebula and Eucalyptus into SG-DG-Cloud platforms for service provision and as a result EDGI will extend ARC, gLite and Unicore Grids with volunteer and institutional DG systems.
lsds-rg, as subcontractor, is responsible for integrating theĀ XtremWeb-CH volunteer computing platform into the EDGI infrastructure.
More details are available from the EGDI website.
See also this video (in french)