
Journals, proceedings and books (since 2005)






  • Nabil Abdennadher, Boosting research performance with high-performance computing, International Innovation journal, March 2016.


  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Nabil Abdennadher and Marko Niinimaki: Virtual EZ Grid: A Volunteer Computing Infrastructure for Scientific Medical Applications, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research 3(1) 2012.

Before 2011

  • Nabil Abdennadher, Massimo Cafaroa, Henning Muller, The International Journal of Grid Computing and eScience (special section), Elsevier, Nov. 2010
  • Nabil Abdennadher, Dana Petcu, GPC’09. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 5529, Springer, May 2009.
  • Nabil Abdennadher, Fabrice Kordon, Reliable Software Technologies – Ada Europe 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 4498, 2007
  • P. Kuonen, N. Abdennadher, G. Babin, Le MetaComputing au Service du Calcul de Haute Performance, Technique et Sciences Informatiques ,TSI, vol.19, no 6/2000, pp. 743-765, Hermes Paris, 2000, ISBN: 2-7462-0164-X.

Conference papers (since 2005)


  • A. Chebbi, G. Kniesel, N. Abdennadher, G. Di Marzo Serugendo, T. EL-Maliki, Towards Enhancing Trustworthy Data Accessibility in the Crop Commodity Sector With LLMs, 11th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science, Zurich, 30.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
  • F. Mendonca, N. Abdennadher and G. Di Marzo Serugendo, Smart Cooperatives: Adapting Smart Grid Concepts to Agricultural Cooperatives, 9th International Conference on Computer and Information Science and Technology (CIST 2024), Barcelona 2o24


  • E. Fragniere, S. Sandoz, N. Abdennadher, M. Moussa, G. Di Marzo Serugendo and P. Glass. “Improving the Social Acceptability of Microgrids”, 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sustainable E-Mobility (RESEM-2023), Bhopal India, 17-18 May 2023








  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Nabil Abdennadher, A high level framework to develop and run e-science applications on Cloud infrastructures, IEEE HPCC 2015, New York, USA, August 24 – 26, 2015
  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Nabil Abdennadher, Towards a high level programming paradigm to deploy e-science applications with dynamic workflows on large scale distributed systems, 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, May 4-7, 2015, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.


  • Gilles Triscone et all, Computational Fluid Dynamics as a tool to predict the air pollution dispersion in a neighbourhood – A research project to improve the quality of life in cities. SmartCity Expo World Congress, Sept. 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Nabil Abdennadher, Skeleton paradigm for developing e-science applications on distributed platforms, The 6th IEEE International Workshop on Multicore and Multithreaded Architectures and Algorithms (M2A2 2014), IEEE Computer Society, Paris, France, 2014.


  • Marko Niinimaeki, Nabil Abdennadher, Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Simulations calculations at breakneck speed, AAA/Switch journal, SUC innovation and cooperation projects 2008 – 2013, final publication, May 2013


  • Mohamed BenBelgacem, Nabil Abdennadher and Marko Niinimaki: Virtual EZ Grid: A Volunteer Computing Infrastructure for Scientific Medical Applications, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research 3(1) 2012.


  • Sébastien Miquée, Raphaël Couturier, David Laiymani, Nabil Abdennadher, Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Marko Niinimaeki and Marc Sauget: Gridification of a Radiotherapy Dose Computation Application with the XtremWeb-CH Environment, GPC 2011, May 11th-13th, Oulu, Finland.

Before 2011

  • Emmanuel Fragniere and Francesco Moresino: Pricing Services in a Grid of Computers Using Priority Segmentation, J. Service Science & Management, 2010, 3, 345-351.

  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, Nabil Abdennadher, Marko Niinimaki: A Volunteer Computing Infrastructure for Scientific Medical Applications. GPC 2010: 385-394, May 2010, Taiwan. Read More

  • Mohamed Ben Belgacem, M. Niinimaeki Nabil Abdennadher, Claude Evequoz, Programming distributed medical applications with XWCH2, HealthGrid 2010, June 2010, Paris, France.
  • Nabil Abdennadher et all The Swiss National Grid Association and its experience on a national Grid infrastructure, 3rd Austrian Grid Symposium, Johannes Kepler University, September 2009, Linz, Austria.
  • Nabil Abdennadher et all. Services Pricing: A Shared Grid Case Study, 2009. IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, July 2009, Chicago, USA.
  • Nabil Abdennadher, Claude Evéquoz and Cédric Bilat: Gridifying Phylogeny and Medical Applications on the Volunteer Computing Platform XtremWeb-CH, Proc. HealthGrid’08. June 2008, Chicago, USA
  • Nabil Abdennadher et all: Initializing a National Grid Infrastructure—Lessons Learned from the Swiss National Grid Association Seed Project, Proc. CCGRID’08. May 2008, Lyon, France
  • Nabil Abdennadher and Régis Boesch: Deploying PHYLIP phylogenetic package on a Large Scale Distributed System, BioGrid’07 Workshop, CCGRID’07. May 2007, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
  • Nabil Abdennadher: Porting PHYLIP phylogenetic package on the Desktop GRID platform XtremWeb-CH, HealthGrid’07. April 2007, Geneva, Switzerland


Internal Reports (since 2005)




Before 2011

Presentations & tutorials (since 2010)