Cloud Monitoring
Cloud computing represents a major paradigm shift in IT. In order to find an optimal compromise between CAPEX and OPEX, companies often use hybrid clouds, which combine on-premise IT infrastructure elements (known as “private cloud”) with external ones (known as “public cloud”).
The objective of the CloudMon project is to develop monitoring tools that will enable SMEs to deploy optimally their applications in a hybrid cloud, taking into account both capital and operating costs. As a result, an optimal investment will not only meet the technical requirements of the application (e.g., execution time, response time and number of requests per second), but also the economic constraints imposed by the user (e.g., maximum budget to deploy the application).
The application to be deployed will be modeled as workflows. The monitoring tools to be developed will allow users to configure their applications optimally on the hybrid cloud. In other words, the different modules that make up a given application will be allocated optimally to Virtual Machines (VMs) in the public cloud and private cloud.