
O-CEI overarching goal is to pilot the imperative of accelerating the uptake and upscaling of...

In the field of agriculture markets, the quality of information is central to deliver any reliable...

AI-SQUARE, an innosuisse project, aims to revolutionize software staging processes through the...

Data Continuum is a project in collaboration with three offices of the Canton of Geneva: Office...

Smart Energy District is a 4-years flagship applied research project funded by the university of...

Agricultural producers, small Agricultural commodities buyers/sellers need to make informed...

French text Le 4 décembre 2019, le Conseil d’Etat du canton de Genève déclarait...

The energy transition calls for smart meters to support microgrids. Apart from monitoring home...

The “Smart and Widely-distributed Appliances for Renewable energy Management” (SWARM) project...

Noise Radar – Distributed Acoustic Sensor Network for Traffic Noise Impact Measurement A...

The InTERiM project is the crossing of two projects, one in Switzerland, the other in Tunisia: The...

A short video presenting MEDInA: MEDInA is an Innosuisse project that brings together 5...

Internet of Things and Urban Innovation (iNUIT) is an applied research program funded by HES-SO....

EnhanceR is the continuation of the eScience Coordination Team (eSCT) project, moving and evolving...

eScience Coordination Team (eSCT) project is part of the SUC P-2 “Scientific information: access,...

Final report, WP1 : Cost Optimisation Software Cost-Optimised Cloud Application Placement Tool...

The CITaTIoN project is part of the “Internet of Things for Urban Innovation” (iNUIT)...

The goal of iCeBOUND is to design and develop a Decision Support System (DSS) that leverages 3D...

hepia is cooperating with SixSq to design and develop a multi-cloud version of SlipStream which...

In this project, we improve the performance of caching in a cloud infrastructure by using...

The Swiss Academic Compute Cloud (SwissACC) aims to establish a Swiss-wide e-science platform...

The densification of cities causes many problems related to urban traffic, pollution and noise....

The objective of this project, funded by SWITCH, is to provide a unified and flexible access to...

This project is funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program (FP7). The objective is...

The aim of the FP7 EDGI project is to develop middleware that consolidates the results achieved in...

The Swiss Multi-Science Computing Grid (SMSCG) is a project funded by the AAA/SWITCH program and...

Cloud computing represents a major paradigm shift in IT. In order to find an optimal compromise...

Karismath is a large-scale initiative to develop an integrated e-learning solution for teaching...
The goal of this project is to help students and researchers familiarize themselves with Grid...

This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (Interreg). Its objective is to...

Virtual EZ Grid is an applied research project funded by AAA/Switch that aims at building desktop...

Detecting and diagnosing epileptic seizures are still difficult problems, despite significant...